November 10, 2010

Wednesday: is ingenious

Happy 20th post friends! (I assume you are all my friends)

The title is a little bit cocky I know, but I seriously feel like a genius. Like a lock-me-up-in-case-of-nuclear-explosion-so-I-can-rebuild-the-world-and-mankind genius.

Wireless wasn't working.
Made a few phone calls, and fixed that shit right up.

Ring only fits on the pointer finger and not the middle finger.
Became like a household Bear Grylls and found myself a solution.

Just had a biology exam yesterday, twas great fun (note the sarcasm).
Killed two hours with Krisnel watching Big Bang Theory. THE BEST THING EVER.
Had a killer night with Amanda and Miki, makes me miss high school like crazy.

Photos of what I wore the other day when I went studying. No, I didn't study in heels, but I thought I'd put them on for the photo so I can show you my awesome shoes.
I really wish I can get used to wearing heels casually, because I have so many now, and they all look amazing with jeans, but I can't bring myself to wear them out!

T-shirt: Op-shop somewhere
Drop crotch pants: Maxim
Wedge boots: Forever21
Rings: Asos, General Pants Co.

In other news, I have bought new rings... SURPRISE!
Not really a surprise, it happens every week.
I've added a few awesome new rings to the collection.
Man, I want to major in Chemistry so I can find a cheap material that we can make rings from and NOT tarnish. ONE DAY I SHALL!

Rings from left to right:
Finger ring from Diva, Claw ring from Asos, Spiky ring from Asos, Stack o' rings from Diva

P.S - Told you my idea to make my ring fit is awesome
P.S.S - Found a funny photo the other day, will post it up soon
P.S.S.S - Have a whole heap of photos from the past week which I will post up too!


Stephtea said...

you are a genius.

Krisnel said...

<3 Big Bang Theory.
I feel a week to too long of a wait.

Unknown said...

haha i've used blue tack to fit the big rings on my fingers too, that's what u did right?

The Dress Up Corner