August 31, 2010

Tuesday: in pictures

I've been so bad with this blog.
Here are some photos of my life, which I hope compensates for it.
(In other news, I have been awesome.
Really getting into the swing of uni - about time- and having fun being drunk for a whole weekend with my favourites)

So what have I been doing?
Let me show you:

Trying to make eggs look like eyes, but realising we only had one egg

Laughing at dirty books in the library

Boys making me sandwiches

Lying on sculptures, doing nothing and enjoying the view

Ripping of a year's worth of posters at uni, and finding one that looks like Australia

Making things I can actually wear

Meeting my boyfriend in his past life

My current obsession!

Silly friends who wear mismatching shoes

Actually my friend's pick up move. In a tampon instruction thing.

Funny lunches

Being a good friend, and then posting it on the internet

Wishing it snowed in Melbourne (relax, it's only ice!)

Being caught trying to take a stalker photo, so he let me take a real one

My boyfriend looking happy with fish

(I'll see you guys soon, hopefully)

August 10, 2010

Tuesday: is down in the dumps

I bring sad news readers.
I am feeling something other than awesome today.
It feels exactly out of a movie, where there is some miraculous rain whenever the lead feels sad, or a rainbow where there is triumph.

All these small things have just added up and become something I feel like I can't control.
And we should all know I'm a control freak.
(I write LISTS, I think that's evidence enough)

But I promise you it will be fine, and there will definitely be a rainbow at the end of my story.
Even if it means I have to take our my crayons and draw one on my wall.

Back to more exciting and awesome news: RINGSSSSSSSSSS!

(Note the holy glow my rings give)

They always make me feel better, and sometimes my fingers feel naked without them.
They are my comfort food.
I think I'll go buy myself a new ring tomorrow...

Have a good one everyone!

August 6, 2010

Friday: loves the colour but not the sauce

Evening there readers!

It's been a while hasn't it?
I'm hoping the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder" applies here, if not, oops.
Hopefully I'll be able to be more regular, I'm still kind of getting used to the whole idea.

Recently, I've rekindled my love for mustard (hence the title).
It's such an amazing colour, and it goes so well with black (which is convenient since Mother Nature gave me black hair), and it's such a nice pop to an outfit.

The next few photos I'm going to post are not meant to be fashionable.
If anything, I think I'm lacking enough clothes to call it an outfit at all!

This is me in my house attire.
Mustard shirt, black socks, no pants.
If it were up to me, the world would walk around in no pants.
No one really likes them anyway!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and thanks for staying loyal even though I'm a little haphazard with my posting!