October 30, 2010

Friday: is punctual (kind of)

This is the revolution.
Welcome to tomorrow.

I also enjoy how I'm making such a big deal of out of the fact that I can post something on time.
I really am one of a kind.

This is just something I felt like doing. No real reason, but I like to see what in people's handbags. And it's not like I can walk around the streets saying:
"Hi, my name is Michelle. Just wondering if I could have a look in your handbag".
"No actually, I'm not the police"
"Well, I just wanted to see really, there's so reason at all"
(I can actually imagine this happening, which is frightening)

Here's a sneak peak into my handbag.
Enjoy stalking!

  1. Actual handbag (I got it from Cotton On for $50. Its the Rubi brand)
  2. Moleskine diary. If I could marry it, I would.
  3. Wallet. Or as I like to call it wallét.
  4. Spectacles (only really need them when I'm in lectures/movies)
  5. Mobile phone (it's the Nokia E71 for those playing at home)
  6. My pod. I asked Jeremie for a black case, and he gets me a pink one. Worst.
  7. Blistex. I have a horrible addiction to it.
  8. Loose change, which always comes in handy when I need coins for the vending machines.
  9. Water bottle. It's one of those cool squirty ones, so I always feel atheltic.
  10. Keys.
  11. Sudoku pen. Don't judge me because I have a special pen for it.
  12. Spare rings (always carry a few just in case)
  13. Notebooks
  14. Pencil case, which I got from Smiggle
  15. Mentos, or any candy. I always carry some.
  16. Tupperware container for my sammiches.
Have a good weekend kids!

P.S - Why does Harry Potter get more and more awesome with age? It's like a wine that gets better with age. So awesome.

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